Optimization of hydrochemical composition of water in plant growing by structurization method





hydrogen index, total hardness, chlorides, nitrates, ammonium, electrical conductivity, taste, device, improvement, agriculture


The aim is to study the change of the main hydrochemical indicators of river water quality during its structuring, regarding the optimization of its composition when used in crop production. Water samples were taken from the Southern Bug River within the Vinnytsia Region. Water structuring was performed before analysis using an Ojas structurizer. Laboratory experiments were performed in the chemical-bacteriological laboratory of KP Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal. Indicators were determined: total rigidity; hydrogen pH; content of chlorides, nitrates, ammonium; electrolytic conductivity, taste and aftertaste.

It is established that the hydrochemical composition of water used for irrigation and spraying in crop production and agriculture plays an important role in their efficiency and impact on soils and plants. Among such characteristics of water, the value of water reaction pH, total hardness, concentration of chlorides, nitrates, ammonium and electrical conductivity are paramount.

The hydrogen pH of unstructured water was 7.49 pH. Water structuring reduced this figure to 7.17 pH.  The total hardness of unstructured water was 4.8 mg/dm3. The structuring reduced the value of its total stiffness to the level of 4.7 mg/dm3. The structuring did not change the concentration of chlorides in water — 45.0 mg/dm3 in both cases. The content of nitrates in unstructured water was 0.50 mg/dm3, and its structuring reduces this figure below the sensitivity of the measuring instrument (less than  0.50 mg/dm3), which is more than 2.0% or more, but this value could not be established reliably due to the technical sensitivity of the device. The ammonium content in unstructured water was 0.07 mg/dm3. During water structuring, the ammonium concentration decreased to 0.05 mg/dm3. The electrolytic conductivity of unstructured water was 563.0 µm cm/cm. During its structuring, it increased to 568.0 µm cm/cm. The taste of unstructured and structured water did not differ and was 1 point.

The structuring of river water used in crop production and agriculture causes a decrease in the concentration of ammonium in it by 28.57%; nitrates — by 2.0% or more; reduction of hydrogen pH by 4.27% and total hardness — by 2.08%; increase in water conductivity by 0.88%, which optimizes their characteristics. At the same time, the taste and concentration of chlorides in water do not change during its structuring.

Author Biographies

O. Tkachuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of Ecology and Environmental Protection

A. Demchuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Graduate student of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


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