Assessment of agro-ecological composition of gray forest soils under the different agricultural use




agrochemical indicators, orchards, field crop rotations, agroecosystem, degradation, horticulture, intensification


The article presents the results of the agroecological composition of soils for different agricultural uses. Under modern conditions of increasing intensification of agricultural production, the agroecological condition of soils is deteriorating, which increases the risk of obtaining low–quality products. Along with this, there are various problems, such as loss of soil fertility, increased erosion, groundwater pollution and environmental pollution in general. Therefore, there is a need for constant monitoring of agroecological indicators of the soil in the conditions of intensive agriculture and horticulture. The great importance is the problem of finding reserves to increase soil fertility and improve their agroecological condition. Therefore, regular testing of soil nutrients and factors that have a major impact on their availability are extremely important to achieve sustainable levels of crop and fruit production. The main purpose of the research was to study and analyze agricultural lands: arable land and perennial plantations and the main agrochemical indicators of the soil of the central part of Vinnytsia region during intensive agriculture and horticulture. The object of research is the soils of agricultural lands used under intensive horticulture and crop production. The subject of research is the agroecological indicators of soil. The research was carried out in the farm of Agro–Etalon LLC in the village of Vasylivka, Tyvriv district. The soils of agricultural lands used under orchards (apple orchard) and agricultural crops (wheat after sunflower predecessor) were studied for comparison. According to the results of soil analysis, it was found that the highest difference in the studied indicators was found in the exchangeable potassium (К2О), mobile phosphorus (Р2О5), which was observed more in the soils involved in horticulture compared to the soils of field crop rotations. Farm soils with different agricultural uses were characterized by lower humus content. The highest difference in the concentration of chemical metals was found for molybdenum (Mo) and cadmium (Cd), which were more in the soils used in horticulture.

Author Biographies

S. Razanov, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Faculty of Agronomy and Foresty

V. Melnyk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Postgraduate Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

B. Nazaruk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Master Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

M. Kutsenko, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Master Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


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