Conceptual tasks of spatial structuring of ecological and economic fundamentals of the agricultural sector in the context of cross-border cooperation




agro-sphere, cross-border cooperation, ecological and economic bases, agricultural activity, environment, agricultural products


The article identifies the relevance and problems of cross-border cooperation in the context of the agricultural sector. Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation in the agricultural sphere is studied, the positive aspects of cooperation are noted. Conceptual tasks of cross-border cooperation in the context of agrosphere are formed. The ecological and economic bases of cross-border cooperation in the agrosphere are considered, the forms of cross-border cooperation in relation to these principles are determined. The current state of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine is considered. Prospects for further cross-border cooperation are described.

Author Biographies

M. Vysochanska, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

PhD in Economics

Ye. Hriaznykh, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS



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