Volume of woody detritus in fresh maple-linden dibrova in Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park





dead wood, standing dead wood, fallen dead wood, forest ecosystem, volume, decomposition stage, biodiversity conservation


The article examines the volume of coarse woody detritus in fresh maple-linden-dibrova in Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park. The study was carried out in 115-year-old forest with a predominance of common oak (Quercus robur L.) of natural origin on a sample plot (0.24 ha) by identifying and measuring of standing and lying dead wood components. The volume of dead wood in the forest ecosystem is 32.4 m3·ha–1 and consists of fallen (84.3%) and standing (15.7%). The main part of the dead wood volume is formed by one tree species — common oak (91.3%). In general, woody detritus is characterized by I–IV stages of decomposition, at the same time detritus of III (52.5%) and II (41.7%) stages prevails, detritus of other decomposition stages has insignificant shares (not exceeding 5.0%). No detritus of the last (V) stage of decomposition was detected. The volume of standing dead wood was 5.1 m3·ha–1 and is formed by whole and broken dead trees. In terms of species composition, common oak predominates (80.4%), other species have much smaller shares: small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.) (13.7%) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) (5.9%). The volume of standing dead wood is dominated by detritus of decomposition stage II (4.8 m3·ha–1, 94.1%), compared with stage I (0.3 m3·ha–1, 5.9%). The volume of lying dead wood is 27.3 m3·ha–1 and is formed by whole fallen trees, fragments of fallen trees (trunks) and thick branches. In terms of species composition dead wood volume is dominated by common oak detritus (25.6 m3·ha–1, 93.7%), and the shares of other species are insignificant. Fallen dead wood is represented by four stages of decomposition (I–IV). In terms of volume, decomposition stage III has an absolute advantage (16.9 m3·ha–1, 61.9%), much less detritus of stage II (8.7 m3·ha–1, 31.9%). Relatively low volume of woody detritus and the absence of dead wood of decomposition stage V may be associated with forestry activities, including selective sanitary cutting and fallen woody debris removal, in the past in modern NNP areas.

Author Biographies

O. Chornobrov, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS


I. Tymochko, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

O. Bezrodnova, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor


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