Influence of anthropogenic factors on the ecology of Melanocorypha calandra and Alauda arvensis in depressions of Dnipro — Molochna




ornithocomplex, Passeriformes, anthropogenic transformation, biodiversity, agrolandscape


The research was carried out for 3 years in the steppe biotopes of the bottoms of the Ahaymany, Barnashivsky, Green, Big Chapelsk, and Small Chapelsk depressions of the Dnipro — Molochna interfluve. Based on visual inspection and processing of space images, the degree of anthropogenic transformation of these ecosystems is analyzed. The highest percentage of plowing is characteristic of the Ahaymany depression, which occurred in the last 10 years. Among the factors that significantly affect the nesting birds of the steppe complex are also the continuous low mowing of grass (Green depression) and overgrazing of livestock — Small Chapelsk depression.

The nesting density of background steppe species was determined, the highest density of Alauda arvensis in different years is characteristic of Ahaymany (245,2 pairs/km2) and Barnashivsky depression (211,2 pairs/km2), and Melanocorypha calandra — for the Big Chapelsk depression (140,1 pairs/km2). Stable is only the territory of the Big Chapelsk depression the protected regime under moderate grazing load of wild ungulates. A positive correlation was established between the values of steppe habitat area and Alauda arvensis nesting in the Ahaymany, Barnashivsky, Small Chapelsk, and Green depressions and, accordingly, a negative dependence for Melanocorypha calandra.

Author Biography

T. Starovoitova, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Postgraduate student


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