Scientific principles for finding the causes of land unremolution in Ukraine as the main factors to exit the existing crisis
The Constitution of Ukraine, land and its natural resources, the accomplishment of land reforms, the paradigm, the cognitive land economyAbstract
The article clarifies the main reasons for land unregulation in Ukraine as the main factors in overcoming the current land crisis. Further development of market land relations and nature management in the agricultural landscapes of Ukraine is possible under the conditions of full institutionalization of constitutional norms on the right of ownership of the Ukrainian people to land and its natural resources as natural objects — the main national wealth under special protection of the state — in the current constitutional field of Ukraine. Five unresolved reasons have been revealed, which have not yet been legally regulated and are not in line with the current «land» norms of Art. 13 and 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine, including with the participation of many «scientists», based on the contrived dualism and stratification of the right of absolute ownership of the Ukrainian people to land and its natural resources as natural objects. The necessity of further institutional development of the legal, economically developed and ecologically stable state, based on the new knowledge of constitutional land pragmatism acquired by us, in the process of land reform in Ukraine as a new paradigm is substantiated. The solution of existing land problems in Ukraine as a crisis will also contribute to the deepening of our research and substantiation of cognitive pathways and mechanisms for formulating new theoretical and methodological foundations for land reform in the space-time sphere of land economy as the latest socio-economic formation of the unitary rule of law. based on the known laws of animate and inanimate nature and society.
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