Economic efficiency of growing oreganum vulgare (Origanum vulgare L.) by seedling method of reproduction in conditions of drop irrigation
planting density, profitability of cultivation, cost of raw materials, profit, cost structureAbstract
A study was conducted to establish the effect of different planting densities of oregano plants on its yield under drip irrigation. The economic estimation of the developed technologies of cultivation is executed. The profitability of crop production in the first and second year of cultivation was calculated. It is established that the economic indicators in the first year of growing oregano are not high, due to the low yield of dry raw materials — a biological feature of the culture. In the second year of growing oregano, the yield of dry raw materials was much higher, as a result, economic indicators were quite high, the profitability of production ranged from 162.1 to 264.4%. Based on the analysis of the cost structure, the factors that most significantly affect the cost of raw materials are identified. The high efficiency of the seedling method of growing oregano under conditions of drip irrigation has been proved.
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