Economic tools of providing a balanced development of berry growing




berry crops, economic policy, the government regulation mechanism, ecological and economic tools


In the article the modern state of berry growing in Ukraine is analyzed. The mechanism of the government regulation of Ukrainian economy in berry growing field is presented. The economic approaches to providing balanced development of berry growing in Ukraine are described. The climate, nature, economic, social-demographic and other conditions which influence berry growing area are taken into consideration in terms of perspective development. The systematization of eco-economic tools of balanced development of berry growing is presented, in particular: ecological insurance, ecological management, ecological marketing, ’ecological’ certificates, ecological charges and fines, trade permission on pollution, subsidies on ecology, ecological taxes and ecological audit. It was discovered that economic tools of providing a balanced development of berry growing are the components which enable to provide a balance attitude to the development of the field, save the environment and enhance the Ukrainian economy. It was stated that the mechanism of the government regulation in this field needs to be improved taken into account modern ways of management and the market demand. The economic and ecological tools of a balanced development were highlighted as they should be aimed at stimulating and support of all subjects in this field in order to create favorable conditions for successful activity.


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