Mapping of consumptive water use by winter wheat in the right-bank part of Сherkasy region




method of ordinal statistics, method of water balance, agronomic and reclamation measures, cartograms of water consumption, method of isolines


The article considers the issues of mapping and providing users with data on consumptive water use of winter wheat with a probability of 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% for administrative subject. The problem, which is the need to provide farmers with relevant data on consumptive water use of winter wheat and tools for its analysis, is formulated. The study of consumptive water use of winter wheat was carried out by the method of water balance. Statistical processing of data of consumptive water use of winter wheat was carried out by the method of ordinal statistics on the basis of which empirical curves of security of various probability were constructed. On the basis of equally probable values of water consumption, maps of consumptive water use (mm) of winter wheat with probability of 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% for the right-bank part of Cherkasy region were compiled and generalized. Cartograms of consumptive water use of winter wheat were complied by the method of isolines, which were obtained by interpolation at test points. As a result, information on individual meteorological stations was approximated to the entire study area. High complexity of measurement and the need to study the variability of consumptive water use over time and area have led to creation of a number of methods for determining consumptive water use. However, in our opinion, it is more convenient to use directly water consumption data provided by us for the growing seasons with a probability of 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% and presented in the form of cartograms winter wheat water consumption. The information obtained during the study of cartograms can be used to identify factors that affect consumptive water use of winter wheat or to carry out appropriate differentiated agronomic and reclamation measures necessary to achieve the planned yield. Farmers should be interested in precision farming, as they will always be able to evaluate the effectiveness of different solutions to determine the most effective one in specific conditions.

Author Biographies

V. Mykolajko, Uman State Pedagogical University named Pavlo Tyczyna

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

V. Kyrylyuk, Uman National University of Horticulture

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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