Clarification of methodological issues on determining the sowing qualities of milk thistle




medicinal plant, varieties, seeds, methods, germination, germination energy, substrate, temperature regime


Laboratory tests were conducted with milk thistle seeds of the Poltavka variety, which is listed in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine. The types of substrates that are advisable to use for seed germination, as well as methods of its germination, are established. Optimal temperature conditions for analyzing the germination rate and germination energy of milk thistle seeds are determined: variable — +20–30°С, constant — +25°C. Based on laboratory studies, it was found that a variable temperature regime provides 2–3% higher indicators compared to a constant one. For freshly picked seeds, conditions for determining seed qualities are established. It is proved that during laboratory analysis of germination and germination energy, seed germination should be carried out in the dark, without the use of additional measures.

Author Biographies

O. Demyanyuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

N. Kutsenko, Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants of IAP NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


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