Planning documentation as a management tool of land of public use




public lands, planning documentation, land management, land management tools, land management documentation, urban planning documentation


The article defines the concept of public lands located both within and outside settlements. It is established that the legal regime of public lands is formed by legislative and regulatory documents that determine the rules of placement of relevant facilities, namely public buildings, and their use.

It has been determined that public lands have a public use regime, but restrictions may be imposed on their use. It has been established that public lands belong to all nine categories of land and the affiliation of individual public lands to each of the land categories has been determined. Accordingly, the legal regime in different public lands differs significantly. The irrationality and inexpediency of separating public lands into a separate category of lands are substantiated.

It has been established that planning documentation is an effective tool for the management of public lands, and the affiliation of such lands to one of the categories allows to determine which of the planning documents is relevant for the management of these lands. The land management, urban planning and interdisciplinary planning documentation is analysed and planning documents, the development of which is relevant and expedient for the management of public lands of certain categories of land are established. It was concluded that the formation of an integrated community space and effective management of its lands, including public use, it is important to systematically use land management and urban planning documentation on the basis of a community approved strategy.

Author Biographies

O. Dorosh, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of economics, professor. Head of land recourses management department

D. Tretiachenko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

post-graduate student


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