Prerequisites for creating the agricultural land resources monitoring system




observation, land monitoring, balanced development, environment, sustainable development


The article considers the problems of land monitoring in Ukraine as one of the main components of the environmental monitoring system and a means of control in the field of land use and nature management. There is a need to maintain the natural potential of the cultural landscape, preserve the natural fertility of soils and ensure the balanced development of agricultural production and nature management, and therefore there is a need for information on its condition to ensure its maximum diversity and differentiation, ie mosaic of its structural units.

It is proposed to create a monitoring system, which must be based on a single methodological basis and provide comprehensive research to protect the environment and create a policy that will form a highly productive system «man — nature».

Author Biographies

H. Hutsuliak, Precarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

Yu. Hutsuliak, Precarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Senior Research Fellow

H. Oliinyk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS



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