Mapping of the agrolandscapes in the system of balanced environmental management on the agricultural activity land
map of agrolandscapes, taxonomy, Lisostepp, ecological dangers, expert assessmentAbstract
There are show regularites of the complex influence of agricultural activity on the ecological problems of natural resources of Ukraine. The relationship between agro-landscape mapping and the choice of areas of sustainable environmental management is indiating. Integrated landscape planning in the countries of the European Union is principle different from the rational use of nature in the field of crop production in Ukraine. The aim of the research is to highlight key practical issues of agrolandscape mapping as a basis for their environmental assessment and forecasting of sustainable environmental management measures to prevent land erosion and groundwater pollution. We determined the main stages of mapping of agrolandscapes, of their complex ecological ranking and assessment. The taxonomy scheme of naturalanthropogenic factors of formation of agroecological features the lands of the Pravobereshnogo Lisosteppu of Ukraine is developed. We described structures of wide-speap landscapes of agricultural lands, natural and residential areas. We are proposing the system of quantitative-qualitative indication parameters of agrolandscapes as a basis of comprehensive assessment the levels of danger of degradation of land and groundwater pollution. Expert assessments of these environmental problems are calculated for conditions of the 13 agrolandscapes, 7 natural and 3 anthropogenic landscapes. It is establishing that the ecological danger of the land erosion can reach the highest estimates both within the agrolandscapes of arable lands (17–18 balls) and forests landscapes (19 balls). High riskes of groundwater pollution is characteristic of the landscapes residential (18–20 balls) and natural of river’s floodplains (18–21 balls). We are differenting the considered landscapes into 4 categories according to the levels of dangers of two ecological problems. There are proposed diverse territorian models of balanced environmental management which accord peculiarites of dangers those ecological problems. We are presente the fragment of the small-scale map of the directions of balanced environmental management in central part the Pravobereshnogo Lisostepu of Ukraine.
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