Water and physical properties of soil as a factor of phytocenotic cover formation of devastated lands
soil structure, moisture capacity, phytomelioration, quarry, extraction, reclamation, minerals, saponiteAbstract
An important obligatory environmental aspect on post-mining areas is the implementation of technical and biological reclamation of mining landscapes. One of the stages of technical reclamation on devastated lands is the coverage by fertile or potentially fertile material. During this research we proposed a saponite clay using as a potentially fertile material to improve the structure and water-physical properties of the sandy substrate, because it depends the next course of biological reclamation. In this article it is experimentally proved that the application of saponite clay improves the indicators of total, capillary and hygroscopic moisture capacity, also the indicators of humidity on the verge of rolling and water lifting capacity. This contributes to the formation of a solid phytocenotic cover of devastated lands, which can come forward as regenerative areas of the regional ecological network.
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