Dynamics of soybean production in Ukraine and the world
soybean yield, soybean sowing area, adaptive soybean varieties, food, legumes, proteinoil cropAbstract
The article highlights the importance of soybeans as one of the main crops for society's food supply. Based on the analysis of statistical data on yield and soybean sowing areas in Ukraine and the world, ten world countries are leaders in soybean production and the place among them is determined by Ukraine. It has been confirmed that soybeans are a strategic crop in Ukraine, which stabilizes agriculture, increases fertility and nitrogen reserves of the soil, eliminates protein deficiency and helps solve the food problem. The increase in the gross harvest of soybeans is not only due to the expansion of sown areas, but also due to increased yields. To increase the efficiency of production of this crop, it is proposed to introduce a set of innovative solutions at different stages of production of this crop, as well as to use new, productive varieties. In many publications, the authors emphasize that 30–35% of success in growing soybeans depends on the correct choice of soybean variety.
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