Diplomacy of development in ecologization of international economic relations





environmental diplomacy, economics, environmental factor, environmental security, environmentalism, environmental policy, international integration


The article deals with the historical and modern aspects of greening of international economic relations in the context of scientific approaches, theories and concepts. The peculiarities of the influence of natural and ecological factors on the development of society, nature management, economic interactions are determined. A retrospective review of scientific economic thought is presented in the context of interdisciplinary environmental context. The complexity of the process and phenomena of evolutionary changes in politics, economics and ecology are identified. Methodology of coverage of environmental and economic concepts includes different approaches: philosophical, psychological, biological, technical and economic. The mechanisms of greening are reflected in the areas of neo-Keynesianism, neoclassicism, institutionalism, globalism, post-industrialism. Environmental threats affect society in different ways, but stimulate change and transform economic systems. The intensification of the environmental crisis and global problems has led to the expansion of international activities, environmental policy, economic culture and environmental awareness. New formats of international contacts, coordination of market and social interests should be considered in the context of theories of environmentalism, greening of the economy, economic modernization, resource provision, environmental security. The formation of progressive models of social development involves international economic integration, the inclusion of national environmental policies in the international security system, promoting cooperation and cooperation between countries. development diplomacy is seen as a tool for consolidating countries in solving global problems, intensifying international integration in the field of environmental activities, greening trade and economic activities and international business. The field of research on the greening of international economic relations is constantly expanding in the context of security, cooperation, resource management.

Author Biography

A. Bokhan, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy


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