Dynamics of indicators of chemical and biochemical oxygen consumption in the Southern Bug river for 2016–2020
sections, monitoring, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, dichromate oxidizability, permanganate oxidizabilityAbstract
The analysis of modern ecological problems of the Southern Bug river basin is carried out, which allows to reveal the most painful ecological threats. Ways to solve these problems and optimize the management of environmental safety of water resources of Vinnytsia region are proposed. The article examines the dynamics of chemical and biochemical oxygen consumption in the Southern Bug basin and its main tributaries, starting in 2016 and ending in 2020. There is a tendency to increase the value of BOD5 annually in drinking water intakes of the Southern Bug basin in Kirovohrad region, which indicates an increase in water pollution of the rivers Ingul, Sukhoklia and Chorny Tashlyk organic compounds. It is shown that a significant part of organic pollution, estimated by BODp, is formed by the three largest cities: Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky and Kropyvnytskyi. The total share of these cities among the studied point sources reaches 74% of the total amount of discharged organic matter identified by monitoring. Also, the pollution of the Southern Bug River with organic compounds is a consequence of their entry into surface waters from peatlands and swamps. The share of industry in surface water pollution, compared to utilities; industrial wastewater contains almost nine times less organic matter. The main sources of industrial pollution are Ladyzhyn TPP, Ingul and Smolin mines, JSC BOD in Voznesensk.
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