Fundamentals of development of tourist and recreational potential of regions




recreational-tourist branch, sustainable recreational tourism, balanced development, recreational-tourist resources, strategies of sustainable development


The article considers the main aspects of the development of recreational tourism in the context of European integration. The study showed that the formation of competitive in the international market through the rational use of natural and cultural-historical potential and reconstruction of the existing material and technical base of recreational and tourist infrastructure, ensuring on this basis the implementation of environmental, economic and social interests in environmental protection. including the preservation of ecological balance and rational use of natural resources. It is proved that the use and implementation of the above tasks of regional policy to develop the balance of ecological and economic aspects of recreational tourism in the context of European integration, which will comprehensively combine environmental and economic feasibility and social efficiency and should become a quality regulatory mechanism and their functioning. This will increase the level of balance of the ecological and economic region, promote the rational use of recreational and tourist resources.

Author Biographies

O. Drebot, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

доктор економічних наук, професор, академік НААН

K. Babikova, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

H. Oliinyk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Postgraduate Student


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