Improvement of ecological and economic instruments of balanced development of the forest sector of Podilsk economic region




forest complex, regional policy, forest resources, economic mechanism, forestry


The article summarizes the results of research on sustainable development of the forest sector. It should be noted that the forest sector of the economy is a major part of the country’s economy and in particular the regions, which meets the needs of products, services and useful properties of forests, preserving and supporting the livelihood and reproduction of the population. The uniqueness of the forest sector lies in its multifunctional nature. In this context, it is appropriate to propose the main functions of forest sector development, in particular planning, organization, forecasting, control, regulation. It is proved that the system of forestry production in the regions of Ukraine should take into account aspects of the impact on human actions at the subconscious level, which are not subject to control and are not specified in the regulations. This determines the ideas of institutionalization in the activities of society, which are trying to transform into economic laws in the non-economic plane. In this context, the formation of competitive forestry is now a topical and controversial issue among research, the main component is the transformation of the economy, technology, institutions, which to some extent should reflect the production of forestry. Given certain details of traditions and rules, businesses are more focused on informal rules, underestimating the role of formal rules. The activities of forestry entities are hidden in informal institutions due to distrust of the authorities.

Author Biography

O. Yaremko, Ternopil Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting

PhD in Economics


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