Problems of value-time social dimension of economic-informational and production processes of marketing of enviromental management in the agrosphere of Ukraine




land and its natural resources, cognitive land economy, marketing, expansion, accomplishment, economy, system


Experimental-analytical researches of problems of value-time measurement of economic-informational and production processes of marketing of nature management in agrosphere of Ukraine are carried out. The main prerequisites and ways to solve existing problems through the functioning of the system of socially oriented marketing (SSSM) — in the process of land reform in Ukraine — based on current Constitution of Ukraine as a new paradigm that takes into account the objective laws of animate and inanimate nature and society.

It is proved that constitutionally motivated socio-economic development in Ukraine can take place on the basis of acquired scientifically based knowledge of «constitutional pragmatism» within the cognitive land economy, the essence of which is clearly embedded in the pyramid model of the cognitive land economy — the so-called Cognitive Kovaliv.

It is established that the expansion of domestic and foreign markets by domestic highly liquid products, especially organic and environmentally friendly food, in the formation of which natural resources participate as natural objects of property of the Ukrainian people, generates unborrowed investment capital of the nation domestic products, and as a consequence — an increase in national net income. It is proved that SSSM plays the role of a crucial stimulator of growth of well-being of all citizens of Ukraine who are absolute co-owners of land and its natural resources as natural objects of law of the Ukrainian people, forming a comfortable space for their (citizens of Ukraine) state.

Author Biographies

O. Kovaliv, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher

V. Lazarenko, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics

O. Morozov, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Economics of Environmental Management in Agrosphere


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