Basic theoretical fundamentals, current state of development and trends of formation of green construction in Ukraine in the context of sustainable development




balanced development, green building, green building council, energy efficiency, environmental issues, economic development


Sustainable development stimulates the introduction of environmental innovations and technologies in various sectors of the economy, including construction. In the article the basic theoretical foundations, the current state of development and trends of the of formation of a new kind of construction — green one — have been studied. The basic approaches to the formulation and substantiation of the definition of green construction have been analyzed. A number of features of the green buildings have been highlighted. The expediency of introducing green construction in Ukraine has substantiated as green buildings have a number of advantages over conventional ones. The main regulatory documents (agreements, decrees, strategies, orders), that promote the development and support of renewable energy, energy efficiency, building ecology and green construction in our country, have been considered taking into account the principles of economic feasibility and environmental protection. The benefits of green construction for all participants in the construction process, from the state to the residents of green buildings, have been specified. In the study the importance of green construction for sustainable development of the world in general and Ukraine in particular has been emphasized.


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