Conceptual principles of improving the ecological and economic mechanism of rural territory development




agricultural enterprises, socio-economic development, economic problems, the concept of sustainable development of rural areas, the environment, environmental policy


The article is devoted to ecological and economic priorities of rural development. The conceptual bases of organizational-economic and ecological mechanisms of rural development are considered. The main ecological and economic factors influencing the development of rural areas are analyzed. The goals and ways to implement the concept of rural development are outlined, which involves assessing the existing problems and obstacles to their effective development. The article proposes an ecological and economic mechanism for the development of rural areas based on the use of forms and methods in the interaction of information, organizational and legal support. Theoretical and methodological principles of improving the ecological and economic mechanism of implementation of the Concept of sustainable development of rural areas are substantiated, on the basis of which effective methods and mechanisms, means, levers and actions of both ecological-economic and organizational-managerial nature will be introduced, which will influence the interests of economic entities in rural areas and promote not only social and economic life in rural areas, but also achieving social well-being and solving urgent environmental problems. The study of the ecological component of rural development has shown the need to take it into account in close connection with the economic and social components of its development in coexistence with the natural environment. Based on this, the main strategic aspects of the development of domestic environmental policy are developed and the components of the conceptual provisions of the strategy of environmentally sustainable development of rural areas are determined, based on ensuring overall environmental safety

Author Biographies

O. Bendasiuk, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

L Sakharnatska, Uzhhorod National University

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor

O. Krokhtiak, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

PhD in Economics

S. Tyrpak, Uzhhorod National University

4th year full-time student Specialty 051 Economics, EP «Economics of Enterprise», Faculty of Economics


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