Using of modern foreign experience of communications in the system of public administration




public administration, local self-government, models of local selfgovernment, communication aspect


The article summarizes the results of research on the use of modern foreign communications experience in the public administration system. It was determined that the basis of communication between the authorities and society is based on the synthesis of the interaction of these two opponents, which has recently been formed precisely through social networks, as a result — electronic governance. It is important not to investigate the significance of communication at the current stage, because communication links are traced in many spheres of life. The study of communication is important in various sciences, including public administration, economics, political science, law, sociology, and others. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of communication between authorities is largely determined by feedback mechanisms between citizens and authorities. Feedback in the public administration system is the influence of the results of the functioning of the public administration system on the nature of this functioning. It was determined that in the system of public administration it seems possible to distinguish two types of feedback: object and subject. Object feedback reflects the level, depth, and adequacy of perception by objects of management of the management influences of the subject of state administration. It has been proven that the main trends in the modernization of public administration in foreign countries are: the use of advanced information and communication technologies in the field of public administration; increasing control over the activities of state authorities; improvement of the mechanism.

Author Biography

O. Malinovska, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management


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