Estimation of coarse woody debris stocks in forest ecosystems of «Tsyrkunivskyi forest» and «Dergachivskyi forest» Emerald network objects (Kharkiv region)
forest stand, standing dead wood, mortmass, habitat, biodiversityAbstract
The estimation of coarse woody debris stocks in forest ecosystems of «Tsyrkunivskyi forest» and «Dergachivskyi forest» Emerald network objects was performed. Estimation was conducted based on State Forest Inventory data of State enterprise «Kharkiv Forest Research Station» forest fund. Data of dead wood in forest stands of eighteen tree species were analyzed. The stock of the following components of coarse woody debris was studied: standing dead wood, fallen dead wood. Data analysis was performed using MS Excel 2016 software. It was found that the total area of forest stands in which standing dead wood was found during forest inventory was 9984.6 ha, or 49.6%, of the total forest area; for fallen dead wood corresponding indicators were 2662.5 ha (13.2%). The total stock of coarse woody debris was 20761 m3, which is concentrated in the stands of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) (75.6%) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (11.1%). Standing dead wood prevailed (80.1%) fallen dead wood (19.9%) in the structure of dead wood volume. Mean volume of standing dead wood by forest type was from 1.3 m3 ·ha–1 (dry maplelinden dibrova) to 33.3 m3 ·ha–1 (wet maple-linden sudibrova), fallen dead wood — from 1.0 m3 ·ha–1 (dry maple-linden dibrova) to 11.5 m3 ·ha–1 (wet maple-linden dibrova). In oak stands mean volume of standing dead wood was 1.4 m3 ·ha–1, fallen dead wood — 1.3 m3 ·ha–1. Obtained results indicate that in general, the dead wood volumes in forest ecosystems in studied Emerald network objects estimated based on State Forest Inventory data, are quite low compared to the forest ecosystems of other protected areas, where one of the priorities are the natural complexes protection and biodiversity conservation. It may be associated with the influence of forestry activities in studied protected areas.
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