Recreational potential of reserved territories (on the example of the national natural park «Karmeliukovе Podillia»)




recreation, tourism, landscape-biotic diversity, climatic conditions, sustainable development


Given the physical and geographical location, unique biotic and landscape diversity, favorable hydroclimatic conditions and availability of recreational resources, we note the active development of the tourism industry in the single national nature park (NNP) «Karmeliukove Podillia» within the Eastern Podillia region. Tourism here is represented by different areas: excursions, recreation, ethnic, sports, religious, environmental, rural (green) and others. The territory of NNP «Karmeliukove Podillia» has a significant recreational potential, which is expressed in the combination of resources and conditions for its development in various sectors of economic activity. The potential of the park is realized through social needs, which manifest themselves in the form of different types of nature management, depending on resource availability and development conditions, structure and nature of social needs, different types of existing habitats, functional zones and sizes. Therefore, the recreational potential of the functional areas of the park is one of the priorities of its sustainable development. In view of the above, we calculated the recreational potential of NNP «Karmeliukove Podillia». In the analysis of which a tribal rating scale was used, where various factors were assessed as favorable for the development of a particular type of recreation (3 points), relatively favorable (2 points) and unfavorable (1 point). The method of determining the recreational potential of the park was aimed at defining the potential of outdoor recreation using the proposed mathematical formula, which included biotic and landscape diversity, favorable climatic and hydrological conditions, infrastructure development, recreation facilities and the impact of negative natural and man-made factors

Author Biographies

O. Mudrak, Public Higher Educational Establishment «Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education»

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

M. Hanchuk, Dmytro Motornyi Тavria State Agrotechnological University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer

G. Mudrak, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

V. Serebryakov, Public Higher Educational Establishment «Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education»

Doctor of biological sciences, professor

H. Khaietskyi, Public Higher Educational Establishment «Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education»

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor


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