Analysis of energy efficiency of production of compost from manure of cattle




composting, vermicompost, organic fertilizers, biohumus, earthworms


Organic fertilizer is a source of necessary for agricultural plants macro-, microelements and carbon dioxide. Due to their gradual mineralization nutrients enter the plants during the whole period of vegetation. In the production, in particular organic fertilizers, the main factor determining profitability is the effective use of energy. The aim of the work was carry out analysis of energy efficiency of production of compost and vermicompost from manure of cattle. Research materials was data of technical information, scientific literature for technologies of composting and vermicomposting manure of cattle, Internet information and the results of own research. Energy efficiency of producing organic fertilizer from animal waste was determined by the method of direct cost of energy. It was determined that at the production of compost and vermicompost from manure of cattle, to a great degree, using energy of diesel fuel (98.3%). A small percentage is occupied by energy of workers (1.7%). It is established, that at the production of compost from manure of cattle consumption of energy, in particular diesel fuel and human accounts for 0.39±0.08 MJ/kg. The most energy-intensive production processes are mixing of compost and watering his water, which is spent 0.17±0.05 MJ/kg. Less energy-intensive: transporting of manure and formation of stacks (0.06±0.01 MJ/kg); filling a container with water and its transporting (0.07±0.01 MJ/kg); covering of stacks, drying and packing of compost (0.11±0.02 MJ/kg). When preparing of 1 kg of substrate from manure of cattle for later vermicultivation consumption of energy (diesel fuel and human) amounted to 0.16±0.04 MJ. During the process of vermicultivation, consumption of energy amounted to 0.41±0.08 MJ/kg. During vermicomposting, more energy is spent on mixing of stacks and watering their water 0.23±0.07 MJ/kg. Less energy-intensive such production processes as: formation of vermi bed and colonization of their vermiculture (0.07±0.01 MJ/kg); separating of worms from vermicompost and drying of biohumus (0.07±0.01MJ/kg); covering of stacks and packing of biohumus (0.05±0.1 MJ/kg). At the production of 1 kg of vermicompost, consumption of energy amounted to 0.57±0.12 MJ, worth 0.87±0.12 UAH. At the production of organic fertilizers through composting, consumption of energy is reduced of an average of 31.6% and its cost by 26.4%.

Author Biographies

O. Zhukorskyi, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor, Academician of NAAS

Ye. Kryvokhyzha, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Senior Researcher

S. Mazur, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

N. Boltik, Ternopil Research Station of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Director


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