Research of soybean varieties according to the complex of economic-valuable peculiarities in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
biologisation of agriculture, herbicides, growing area, retardants organic farmingAbstract
Having analysed literary sources, we have determined that soybeans are among the most valuable legumes of world agriculture. The versatility of this legume is explained by the unique chemical composition, which combines 38–42% protein, 18–23% oil, 25–30% carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, minerals. Soybeans play an exceptionally important role in the biologization of agriculture. Soybeans are the most profitable crops, that significantly improve the economic condition of farms. One of the reasons is their low resistance to extreme environmental conditions, in particular, the lodging of plants in years with a large amount of precipitation, an increase in the the growing season for later sowing periods and with a decrease in air temperature during the formation period — seed ripening, crop losses from cracking of beans in varieties of the early maturing variety, which is less numerously represented in the world gene pool. Soybean varieties, which are used in production nowadays, do not fully meet the requirements, since they do not provide consistently high yields and product quality. Growing soybeans has a beneficial effect on the processes of humification, physical and physicochemical properties of soils, water and nutritional regimes, improves the nitrogen balance of crop rotation and increases the yield of other crop rotation. The correct choice of variety is one of the decisive conditions for obtaining the maximum yield. At the same time, the choice of variety is one of the most affordable production of agricultural activities, reducing the negative impact of limiting factors of the external environment on the level of soybean yield and to the greatest extent ensures the plasticity of the crop to specific growing conditions. Domestic soybean varieties are included in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine as a factor of increasing competitive agriculture and adapting them to organic varietal growing technologies. The article deals with the varietal diversity of genetic support with fundamentally new source material of leading varieties of soybeans.
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