Socio-economic and regulatory aspects of enviromental management based on the current standards of the Constitution of Ukraine




the fundamental law of Ukraine, land and its natural resources, cognitive land economy, nature management, agrosphere, system


The analysis and synthesis of ecological, socio-economic and normative-legal aspects as factors of objectivity and subjectivity of land-nature use, which are based on the laws of animate and inanimate nature and society and are fully consistent with the current norms of the Constitution of Ukraine, have been carried out. The need for in-depth disclosure (for separate tasks) of various facets of these aspects is substantiated. It has been proven that economic and legal relations in Ukraine require the urgent construction of a constitutionally motivated system of economic approach to the process of land and nature use, primarily for the benefit of its citizens. It has been established that a special approach is required to model relations — in relation to the use of renewable natural resources, which include: soils, animal life, microbiota, solar, wind and other energy, atmosphere, hydrosphere, terrestrial vegetation and other natural resources. It is considered a logical and basic statement that is manifested by the axiom of the absolute monolithic state of Ukraine, because it (the state) is located within the borders of a specific geospace of the Planet Earth, is unitary, integral and inviolable, and all citizens of sovereign Ukraine, who have a single citizenship, are absolute co-owners (owners, users and managers) of their land and its natural resources (abbreviated as “land”) as natural objects located in the same geospace. It was determined that only citizens who have a single citizenship are (should be) full-fledged founders and co-owners of their own Ukrainian state, in which the highest constitutionally motivated normative-legal, socio-economic and ecological standards of life will function.

Author Biography

O. Kovaliv, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Chief Researcher of the Department of Environmental Economics in the Agrosphere Institute


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