Land monitoring materials as a basis for compiling a land survey project




ecological monitoring, optimization, ecological and landscape land use, land monitoring system, ecological, economic and social development


The article considers aspects of land monitoring as a basis for drawing up a land management project. It was determined that the development and mastering of systems of adaptive landscape farming is a sustainable reproduction of resources and the environment in the technological cycle of obtaining products of the required quantity and quality. In this context, one of the most important tasks is the formation of ecologically balanced agricultural landscapes, highly productive agroecosystems based on knowledge of the laws and regularities of the functioning of natural systems, taking into account the resource potential of lands and more in-depth adaptation of technological influences. It is suggested that the united territorial communities resolve the issue of providing their divisions with qualified personnel who will be able to ensure the local development of the territorial community on the basis of ecological and economic balanced use of natural resource potential. The proposed approach will make it possible to make assessments and analyzes of the actual and predictive state of land resources, will allow to choose directions that require priority decisions to be made to neutralize negative phenomena, to mitigate already developed negative processes and to carry out preventive measures where adverse factors have not yet made harmful influence, which, accordingly, will ensure the rational use of land and its preservation for the next generation.

Author Biographies

H. Hutsuliak, Precarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region

Leading Research Fellow  Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS

Yu. Hutsuliak, Precarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station of Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Senior Research Fellow

O. Kaminetska, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Ph.D. in Economics


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