Ecological-economic model of nature reservation and greening of the European economy
greenhouse effect, ozone layer, eco-plastics, conservation areas, environment-friendly products, fiscal policy, nature conservation investments, rational nature management, waste-free manufacture, municipal wasteAbstract
The factors, that define the evolution of natural environmental quality, and the processes of society and economics reaction to facing contemporary industrial and technological challenges have been analyzed in a complex way. A cause-and-effect relationship of pollution and opportunities of ecosystem restoration has been also determined and analyzed with economic and financial consideration of European countries opportunities outlined. The statistical investigation with the comparative analysis of principal ecological and economic processes in the biosphere, which is connected with the increase of human impact on the nature environment, has been done. It was studied out that leading countries form contemporary world viewpoint on the necessity of the implementation of the fundamental mechanisms of rational nature management and natural environment protection. The unity and association of ecological perspective for all European countries has been analytically proved. Theirs uniformity and solidity have been once more demonstrated. It was determined that the realisation of the innovative ecological, economic and financial policy is a chief aspect for the constant development of the European countries. Furthermore, this process has to be a stimulus for the implementation of waste-free manufacture and full-fledged nature conservation, what unequivocally will create the consequences for manufacture potential increase and will promote the receiving of the considerable economic effect.
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