Theoretical basics of the efficiency of the functioning of local government bodies




economic efficiency, united territorial communities, state administration, local development, local self-government, state and local authorities


The work has been devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the effectiveness of local self-government bodies. The main approaches to the interpretation of scientific categories: “efficiency of public administration”, “target efficiency” and “economic efficiency” have been analyzed. The main indicators of the effectiveness of the structural divisions of local self-government bodies have been studied: the number of administrative documents adopted by the public administration body, the number of events carried out or participation in them in accordance with the approved administrative documents, the indicator of the amount of humanitarian aid received by the community. Also the existing scientific concepts and approaches used to evaluate management effectiveness have been considered. These include target concept, system concept, balance of interests concept, functional concept, compositional concept.

Author Biography

O. Malinovska, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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