Unique anthropogenic aquatic landscapes of Podillia as prospective protected objects





anthropogenic landscapes, water landscapes, nature reserve fund, Podillia, water bodies


The Law of Ukraine “On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine” defines the legal basis for the organization, protection, effective use and reproduction of natural complexes and objects that can be included in those that have a special nature protection, scientific, aesthetic, recreational and other value. They are selected for the purpose of preserving the natural diversity of landscapes, the gene pool of animal and plant life. These include a number of original hydrological objects of Podillia, especially anthropogenic water landscapes, which in the structure of modern anthropogenic landscapes occupy only 1.7%. For a long time, man influenced the nature of river valleys and their channels, which led to their transformation into anthropogenic ones (original and unique aquatic anthropogenic landscape complexes that require further research, protection and bequest). Aquatic anthropogenic protected objects were formed as a result of human economic activity and have a special scientific and aesthetic value and require immediate protection and preservation (milling complexes, reservoirs of garden and park ensembles, pits, waterfalls, and others). In the future, the problem of degradation of the water landscapes of the Podillia river basins due to the aridization of the climate and anthropogenic influence may become quite acute. Therefore, the creation of protected water bodies is currently an important issue. The issue of nature protection of the river valleys of Podillia (especially the Southern Bug and Dniester rivers) has always been quite acute. So, now there are 135 protected objects with an area of 14,908.09 hectares in the basin of the South Bug River within Podillia. Currently, natural water landscape complexes do not have a significant distribution, therefore the main perspective of the formation of the natural reserve fund of the region belongs to anthropogenic ones. Today, such opportunities exist in river basins (beds, floodplains, floodplain terraces, watersheds), as well as in places of mineral extraction (abandoned granite, limestone, clay and sand quarries).

Author Biographies

O. Mudrak, Public Higher Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine

H. Khaietskyi, Public Higher Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Н. Mudrak, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

V. Serebriakov, Public Higher Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

I. Shevchenko, Public Higher Educational Establishment “Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education”

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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