Ecological and typological assessment of forest vegetation in Starogutskyi forest — National Nature Park (NNP)




edatope, trophotope, hygrotope, forest species, type of woods, protected area


Preservation of the biodiversity of forest phytocenoses is one of the urgent tasks in the field of environmental protection. The formation of sustainable plantings with the possibility of reproduction of natural ecotopes, preservation and protection of rare plant populations is the main task of environmental protection organizations, including the Desnyansko-Starogutsky NТP. The ecological and typological assessment of the territory of the forest massif of the park allows to optimize efforts to create conditions for increasing its phytodiversity. The analysis of natural and artificially created forests on the territory of the Starogut part of the National Nature Park “Desnyansko-Starogutsky” showed the distribution of tree species depending on the characteristics of the ecological conditions of their growth. According to the forest ordering, the total area covered by forest vegetation is 6778,8 ha. Allocation of forest section areas by edatopes is the following: trophotopes — pinewoods (1,8 ha, 0,02%), subors (4510,1 ha, 66,53%), sudubrava (2266,9 ha, 33,44%), oak forests are not available; hygrotopes — dry conditions (0,7 ha, 0,01%), fresh (3948,2 ha, 58,24%), damp (2151,1 ha, 31,73%), humid (605,4 ha, 8,93%), wet (73,4 ha, 1,08%), very dry — not available. The number of types of woods covered by forest vegetation equal ten. Fresh oak and pine subor (2594,5 ha, 38,27%) prevail, humid oak and pine subor (1430,5 ha, 21,10%), and fresh oak and pine sudubrava (1352,6 ha, 19,95%) occupy slightly smaller areas. The main forest species is Pinus sylvestris (5092,7 ha, 75,13%). Smaller areas are occupied by Betula pendula (1207,1 ha, 17,8%), Alnus glutinosa (201,4 ha, 2,97%), Piceaabies (111,5 ha, 1,64%), Quercus robur (90,0 ha, 1,33%), the others are presented in small numbers. Allocation of forest sections by edatopes in the protected area is the following: reserved area — fresh and humid subors (1181,1 ha, 55,47%) and sudubrava (849,4 ha, 37%) prevail, area of regulated recreation — fresh and humid subors (2336,4 ha, 59,89%) and sudubrava (1164,2 ha, 29,84%), an economic area also has fresh and humid subors (430,7 ha, 73,85%) and sudubrava (137,5 ha, 23,58%).


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