The influence of biological preparations on the sowing quality of spring barley plants (Hordeum Vulgare l.)




seeds of spring barley varieties, germination energy, laboratory germination, morphometric indicators, seed production, biological preparations


The main component of the technology of growing agricultural crops is the use of high-quality seed material, as well as the use of biological poisons and plant growth regulators, which ensures their proper growth and development, reduces the negative impact of diseases, increases the yield of the cultivated crop and the quality of the obtained products. Therefore, the aim of our study was to analyze the influence of biological preparations Vimpel 2, Oracle multicomplex and their mixture Vimpel 2 + Oracle multicomplex on the sowing qualities the seeds of spring barley plants of varieties the Helios and Sebastian. The sowing quality of seeds spring barley was determined according to the methods prescribed by the state standard of Ukraine in the laboratory of biocontrol of agroecosystems and organic production of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAN. It was found that seeds spring barley of varieties the Helios and Sebastian contaminated with micromycetes from 10 to 50% under the influence of the studied preparation, their laboratory germination and germination energy were high and ranged from 70% to 98%. At the same time, on the control version, the infection of seeds with micromycetes reached 100%, its laboratory germination and germination energy were significantly lower and amounted to 55% and 60%, respectively. According to the results of the morphometric indicators, it was shown that the sprout plants of spring barley developed more intensively under the influence of the studied preparations: their length was almost 1.5 times greater compared to the control variant. It was established that the pathogenic mycobiota of the seeds spring barley differed significantly under the influence of the biological preparations and biological features of plant varieties. The use of biological preparation the Vimpel 2 and the preparations mixture of Vimpel 2 + Oracle multicomplex significantly increases the resistance of plants spring barley to diseases and stressful situations, which, in turn, will contribute to an increase in the yield of the studied crop and the quality of its seed products. The analyzed indicators of the sowing quality of spring barley seeds make it possible to ensure sowing with high-quality seed material in order to avoid biological contamination of agrocenoses.


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