Ways of modeling the agricultural sector as a complex object of critical infrastructure





Agricultural sector, agroecosystem development modeling, complex facilities, critical infrastructure, agroecosystem, risk analysis, ecologically safe agricultural land use


The purpose of the research of the scientific work is to clarify issues related to the ways and problems of building models of sustainable development of the agricultural sector in modern conditions. By clarifying the conceptual apparatus and terminology of the subject field, the relationship between the current legal base, the real state of affairs and ways of building models of agroecosystem development in the context of understanding the conceptual unity: “man — society — state” is established. Based on the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine, it is proved that the agricultural sector belongs to the category of critical infrastructure objects. With the help of system analysis, the formation of the qualitative distinctiveness of agroecosystems and the importance of these factors for building development models are demonstrated. A detailed analysis of current risks, the existing methodology of their assessment was carried out and a conclusion was given — the acquisition of the status of a properly designed critical infrastructure facility can minimize the risks of the load on agro-ecosystems to an acceptable level. Based on the generalization of the considered material, the conclusions provide practical recommendations for building models of agroecosystem development on the basis of ecologically safe agricultural land use.

Author Biographies

Т. Ilienko, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

V. Hurieiev, Harbin Polytechnic University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of ATSU


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