Features of the formation of the econetwork structure in the central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine





flora complexes, ecocorridors, ecological network, α-, β-, γ-indices of connectivity of ecological corridors, index of Beach, Reid, relative availability, semi-natural phytocenoses of agrolandscapes, Central Forest Steppe, rare plant species


As a result of global trends of climate change, in conditions of significant anthropogenic impact on the environment, which is one of the most urgent threats with a long-term negative impact on the environment and the economy, the transformation of natural landscapes and the impoverishment of their biological diversity is taking place. Therefore, the transition from classic nature conservation areas to eco-networks is the need of the hour. Because the eco-network is a conceptually integrating idea of preserving the natural environment. A study was conducted of the Halytskyi-Slobozhanskyi and Yuzhno-Buzskyi ecocorridors, which unite exceptionally important landscape, floristic and coenotic key territories that are components of the national eco-network of Ukraine. The plant cover of the studied ecocorridors is characterized by a significant number of rare and endemic species, most of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. On the basis of the biocentric network structure, the flora complexes of the longitudinal and transverse ecocorridors, which territorially belong to the agrolandscapes of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, were analyzed. It has been established that the key areas of the eco-network are Maslivska, Berezivska, Chornogrebelska, Bugo-Desnyanska, from the point of view of migration and dispersal of species. Halytskyi-Slobozhanskyi and Yuzhno-Buzkyi ecological corridors are characterized by a low cyclicality index (α<1) with the possibility of further development of ecocorridors (β>1). The low degree of alternative choice of migration paths is shown (γ<1), which is a consequence of the high level of economic development of the territory. For the investigated ecocorridors, the β-index revealed the presence of several cycles (β>1), but this is not optimal for the distribution and migration of species.

Author Biographies

Ye. Tkach, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher

A. Bunas, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher


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