Modern technologies for improving data management processes – pilot studies among polish and ukrainian companies




artificial intelligence, digitization, business analytics, respondents, surveys


The article analyzes modern technologies for improving data management processes — pilot studies among Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. The main elements of the effective implementation of business analytics solutions have been determined, which involves certain points, in particular, the first point is a vision of the needs of the enterprise in terms of how to use analytics. The second important element is the creation of an appropriate ecosystem that will collect data generated both internally and externally. In this matter, the elements responsible for building a suitable test environment, as well as increasing the value of the collected data, are important. The next component is the development of appropriate modeling solutions that use the collected data. Here, the use of linear and non-linear modeling for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge, or the codification and testing of heuristics in the company, plays an important role. Research was conducted in the part of the questionnaire regarding the use of modern technologies at the respondent’s workplace. It has been proven that Polish students of the Faculty of Accounting and Controlling of the University of Economics in Krakow compared to students of other faculties had a much better knowledge of the concepts that are the subject of the study. This indicates a well-designed training program in this field that meets the needs of the modern economic world. As part of their studies, these students study several practical subjects where they are taught new analytical and information technologies.

Author Biographies

J. Nesterak, Economic University in Krakow

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

O. Malinovska, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management

M. Vysochanska, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher


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