


beekeeping, export, import, tools, environmental factors, products, market, agricultural sector


The article analyzes the ecological and economic foundations of the balanced development of beekeeping. It was determined that the increase in the amount of Ukrainian honey exports in 2020 is explained by the presence of shadow turnover of honey products in Ukraine and the increase in sunflower acreage. Ways to achieve high competitiveness and efficiency of operation of honey-producing enterprises: export of honey mainly as raw materials; lack of state support for the development of beekeeping. It is substantiated that with the pace of time and the development of society regarding the issue of beekeeping, as well as industrial society, the use of a significant amount of pesticides and agrochemicals by agricultural enterprises and agricultural holdings, the use of genetically modified organisms, etc., everything leads to the destruction of bees. In some regions, in general, extinction is observed both in Ukraine and outside the country. It has been proven that a feature of the territorial placement of beekeeping is that bees do not tolerate an unfavorable ecological environment, and at the same time they are in a certain way measures of its condition. Within the spatial limits of existence, bees can adapt to unfavorable living conditions, but at the same time, the danger of substances harmful to the human body getting into beekeeping products increases.

Author Biographies

O. Drebot, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAAS

M. Vysochanska, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher


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