The role of biological preparations in organic agriculture
organic agriculture, biological preparations, legume crops, yield, seed quality of seedsAbstract
The influence of the complex of the permitted in organic production substances prodused such as BioMag, PhytoDoctor, Biophosphorin, Urozhaj Organik and Tryxodermin on the indices of seeds of peas, beans and soybean was studied. The positive influence of biological preparations on quantitative and qualitative indices of legumes is established. It was shown an increase in the yield of pea, soybean and bean in relation to control on 16.5; 7.5 and 7.4% respectively. The weight of 1000 seeds of soybean in the variant with the treatment increased by 8.4% in relation to control, peas — by 5.6%, and beans — by 1.8%.
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