New norms of taxation indicators of normal plantations of red boreal oak (Quercus borealis Michx.)
red boreal oak, gum common, norm, model, stock, amount of sectional area, species number, average height, normal plantingsAbstract
The necessity of supplementing the norms «The total area of cross sections and the stock of stands at fullness: 1.0» (standard tables: forest-tactical guide) for the normal plantations of red boreal oak is substantiated. The revised standards eliminate the systematic error of the calculation of relative and absolute completeness and stock, which arises when applying for the plantations of red boreal oak, recommended in the guide norm, developed for ordinary ash. The corrected values of absolute completeness and species number are proposed. The revised norms allow to take into account in a new way the differences in absolute completeness, species number and reserves of plantations of oak red boreal and ash common in the high range of 4–36 m.
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