Land system of contaminated radionuclides of territories considering agro-ecological properties of soil cover


  • O. Drebot Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine
  • A. Kudrick Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Ukraine



land management, agricultural lands, pollution density, radionuclides


The structure of soil cover and density of pollution of the territory of land use, which belongs to the zone of voluntary resettlement of the population, was investigated. Soil areas with different pollution density of 137Cs have been determined. Land with a level of contamination of more than 15 Ki/km2 is installed. Agro-industrial groups of soils are united according to their agro-ecological state taking into account the half-life of 137Cs, taking into account the variability of soil cover. The approach to the organization of the territory of modern agroformations within the limits of Polissya agro-landscape contaminated with radionuclides is proposed.


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