Restoration of fertility of the tech soils of Irshan mining and concentrating combine
recultivation, tech soils, fertile layer, humus, nitrogen, lupineAbstract
This paper deals with agroecological state of disturbed soils on the territory of the Irish Mining and Processing Plant, where titanium raw material is extracted. The analysis of the suitability of the tech soils of the 10–30 year period of disclosure with the application of the fertile soil layer has been carried out and the possibility of using the lupine of the narrow-leaf as a sideral and nitrogen-fixing culture for biological regeneration and restoration of their fertility has been studied. The high symbiotic efficiency of the formation of tubers, the accumulation of nitrogen and the use of green mass and root lobular margarine lobules for reproduction of fertility have been proved. It has been proved that the overgrowth phytomass and roots of lupine superficial roots accumulation contribute to the accumulation of nitrogen in the amount of 42–46 kg/ha, and the symbiotic fixed nitrogen of air — 134–156 kg/ha.
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