Synthesis of legal aspects as methodological foundations of land and natural use based on the current land norms of the constitution of Ukraine
methodology, land and its natural resources, implementation of land reform, mechanisms, system, lawAbstract
It has been proven that the Basic Law of Ukraine, unlike other states, unequivocally recognizes the Ukrainian people (all citizens of Ukraine) as the sole and absolute owner of the land and its natural resources as natural objects of property rights — the main national wealth, which de jure is under a special state protection. The purpose of the article is to generalize the main empirical results of the analysis and synthesis of normative and legal aspects regarding the methodological principles of the use of land and its natural resources as natural objects of property rights of the Ukrainian people for the application of scientifically based methods and methods of nature use rights in practice, including in the agricultural sphere. It is predicted that the full implementation of the outlined constitutional land rights of citizens as nationwide, as well as the practical implementation of appropriate measures at all levels as the main mechanisms of their (rights) protection and implementation, will allow in the short term to ensure the comfortable life of all law-abiding citizens of Ukraine. In this regard, the priority introduction of the so-called land and agrarian reforms into the constitutional field of Ukraine is required, as well as the taking of all natural objects of the property rights of the Ukrainian people on a nationwide non-departmental balance in the newly created National Land Institution of Ukraine. It was found that the development of legislative acts and regulatory documents for the practical application of specific mechanisms, methods and methods of nature management, including in the agricultural sector, requires the preparation of relevant methodological materials by separate state order.
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