


economics of nature use, forestry, balanced development, ecological safety, forest resource potential, forest ecosystems


An analysis of the financial and economic activities of forestry for 2021–2022 was carried out and the impact of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation on their key indicators was determined. The current state of the forestry industry of Ukraine was assessed. The main factors that exert a system-forming influence on the economic development of forestry in Ukraine are considered. Attention is paid to the issue of the export potential of Ukrainian forestry in the current conditions. The key problems of forestry, which are related to the export of wood to the countries of the European Union, have been identified, in particular, those which related to wood certification. Also, the negative modern factors in the forestry of Ukraine are defined and characterized, in particular the factor of illegal felling, the key enterprises where similar facts are recorded are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the environmental damage caused to the forest industry as a result of the ongoing active phase of hostilities. The ways and proposals for overcoming the modern economic problems of the forest sector are outlined, in particular, for the formation of a complex ecological and economic mechanism for the post-war rehabilitation of forestry lands, which were damaged as a result of hostilities. Attention is paid to the role of the public in ensuring proper control over the activities of forest administrations and ensuring the transparency of forestry activities as a whole

Author Biographies

M. Shershun, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Professor

V. Kasiukhnych, Department of Forestry State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Forestry Department


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