Assessment of the suitability of soils for the production of organic plant production at the local level of territory development




fertility, land suitability, degree of suitability, agrochemical indicators, anthropogenic influence, macro- and microelements


The development of organic production in Ukraine is a promising and relevant issue today. Organic farming has many advantages, including the preservation of soil fertility, reduced environmental impact, and the provision of high-quality and safe products. A farm that utilizes its fertile soil for organic production can have a positive impact on the quality of its products and increase their value on the market. It is important to note that maintaining organic farming requires systematic work to support soil fertility. That is why it is recommended to regularly conduct agrochemical analyses and implement restorative measures to increase soil fertility. The article provides scientific evidence that the soils of the agricultural company “Bazis” located in the Uman district of Cherkasy region are suitable for the production of organic crops. To do this, an assessment of the territorial location relative to possible sources of anthropogenic impact and radiation contamination of the territory was carried out. In the settlement, there is no landfill for solid household waste and storage facilities for pesticides and chemicals. The main polluting enterprises are located 12 km away, in the district center, Uman. Сontinuous agrochemical land survey of agricultural land was conducted. This analysis allowed us to establish that the soils have an optimal level of humus and nutrients, do not contain harmful metals and other toxic substances. Thus, it can be stated that the soils of the farm of the agricultural company “Bazys” of the Uman district, Cherkasy region are suitable for growing organic plant products, which guarantees the quality and safety of the produced products.

Author Biography

R. Podzerei, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


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