Analysis of the green paradigm in European, global and domestic policies




green economy, green growth, circular economy, sustainable development, concept of sustainable development


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the green paradigm in European, global, and domestic policies. The research methodology is based on a systemic approach, which involves the use of modern and classical scientific methods: general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis of data); retrospective and comparative analysis (identification of cause-and-effect relationships); analytical-synthetic (study of scientific and statistical data, archival materials, legislative and founding documents, etc.). The aim of this study was to define the essence of sustainable development in the context of agrarian and ecological policies of Ukraine, as well as the concept of the green economy as an important component of the country’s socio-economic development in the wartime and post-war periods. The retrospective development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of agrarian and ecological policies of Ukraine and the world has been analyzed. The concept of the green economy as an important component of our country’s socio-economic development has been considered, especially with regard to European integration processes and in light of Russian military aggression and its complex consequences. A comparison of the green economy, green growth, and sustainable development based on economic, social, and ecological aspects has been conducted. The article argues that the comprehensive ecological, economic, and social crisis is a stimulus for rethinking the principles of managing agricultural landscapes in Ukraine, both at the national and regional levels. The feasibility of implementing a complex post-war revival of the state and its regions based on the principles of green economy is justified, albeit with modifications that would include elements of blue and circular economies. It is established that the practical implementation and effectiveness of the documents ratified by Ukraine in the field of sustainable development are relatively insignificant, as there is still no legislative document that conceptually and comprehensively defines a clear procedure for achieving sustainable development goals in our country, as well as a related regulatory framework.

Author Biography

L. Raichuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher


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