Study of environmental safety and economic efficiency of digestate as biofertilizer




sustainable development, greening of agriculture, agriculture, organic production


The conducted research is dedicated to: the importance of rational use of natural resources due to effective waste management; formation of the concept of a resource-saving agro-industrial complex due to the development and implementation of bio-organic technologies for growing agricultural crops for the production of biofuels from agro-biomass and animal husbandry waste; ensuring the energy independence of the industry and forming the country’s food security. The improved mechanism for the introduction of ecological innovations will contribute to: increasing the economic efficiency of the agricultural sector as a key factor of positive changes in order to find new, more effective and perfect implementations of ecological innovations in the development of food security of the state; reducing the impact of anthropogenic human activity on the surrounding natural environment and improving the socio-economic indicators of rural development. It was determined that the digestate contains a significant amount of mineral elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). In terms of speed of action (absorption of elements by plants), it resembles mineral fertilizers, since the elements N, P and K are easily available to plants. It was established that calculations of the cost of organic fertilizers based on cow dung, as well as digestate, which is obtained from a bioreactor during biogas production, showed that the monetary expression of organic-mineralized environmentally friendly fertilizer, which is obtained after fermentation processes from a biogas reactor, based on digestate, is worth to form by adding up the value of the nutritional chemical elements from which it is composed. Authors of the article Honcharuk I.V., Pantsyreva H.V. and Vovk V. are executors of applied research on the topic “Development of bio-organic technologies for growing agricultural crops for the production of biofuels and ensuring energy independence of the agricultural sector” (state registration number 0123U100311).

Author Biographies

I. Honcharuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

H. Pantsyreva, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

V. Vovk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Postgraduate Student, Assistant of the Department of Computer Sciences and Economic Cybernetics


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