Methodology for the development of management plans of nature-reserved territories




Emerald network, nature reserve fund, national natural park, the project of organization of the territory of the national natural park


In Ukraine, the formation of the Emerald Network, which consists of special nature conservation areas, is underway. According to the resolutions and recommendations of the EU, a management plan must be developed for the objects of the Emerald Network, which will define both short-term and long-term management goals and ways to achieve them. Ukraine is developing a legislative framework for the objects of the Emerald Network. The definition of a management plan proposed by various authors for protected areas is given. It is proposed to consider a management plan as a document that implements the development strategy of a nature reserve object with specified projects and determined financial resources that will ensure their implementation. The advantages of having management plans and the requirements for their development are outlined. An author’s approach to the development of management plans is proposed, the stages of its construction are defined. Projects for the organization of the park territory are being developed for protected objects, in particular national natural parks in Ukraine. A comparative analysis of  management plans and projects of the organization was carried out. Proposals on the use of management plans in the work of nature protection institutions of Ukraine have been developed.

Author Biographies

M. Shershun, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher

T. Mykytyn, Rivne State Humanities University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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