Robinia pseudoacacia L. — an important introduced tree species in protective stands of forest-agrarian landscapes of Ukraine




forest melioration, agrolandscape, forest ecosystem, invasions


The article analyzes the importance of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in forest-agricultural landscapes of Ukraine. As a result of cultivation and invasion black locust became part of the landscape of a number of European countries, in particular Ukraine, as well as a component of culture and economy, including cultural and historical heritage. In some European countries, this tree species is economically important and is used to obtain commercial wood and firewood, biomass for energy needs, honey, also used to prevent erosion, in greening of populated areas, phytoremediation of contaminated soils, etc. In Ukraine black locust occupies about 5% of the total forest area and is widely used in the planting of protective forest stands (anti-erosion, runoff-controlling, field protection forest belts) and in beekeeping (production of honey). At the same time, this invasive plant poses a threat to the preservation of native species and natural habitats. However, the possibility of uncontrolled spread of the black locust in the agricultural landscapes of Ukraine beyond the boundaries of protective stands is significantly limited by intensively cultivated agricultural land (arable land). In forests, the spread of black locust is controlled by appropriate cutting. The ban on the use of black locust in reforestation will lead to a problem in the restoration of protective forest stands, in particular anti-erosion and field protection forest belts, in which it was the main species. Therefore, we offer a balanced approach, which involves the controlled use of black locust in forest melioration, forestry and agriculture (as a source of wood, honey, forage) and bioenergy (biomass), while simultaneously preventing its invasion into the ecosystems of the nature protection fund. This approach is consistent with the State Forest Management Strategy of Ukraine until 2035 and the environmental policy of the European Union in the field of management of invasive alien plant species.

Author Biographies

O. Chornobrov, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

V. Solomakha, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
National Scientific Center “Institute of Beekeeping named after P.I. Prokopovich”


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