Periodization of the evolution of science about agricultural systems in Ukraine in the context of agricultural systems development




crop rotation, plants, fertility, soil, modern agricultural education, agriculture, coefficient of land use intensity


The periodization of the development of the doctrine of agricultural systems in the context of the evolution of agricultural management systems is outlined. The contribution of scientists and producers to the development of the scientific foundations of agricultural systems and their implementation in agricultural practice is highlighted. Attention is focused on the complex and long way of forming views on the need for theoretical foundations farming systems. In the evolutionary development of the theory of farming systems, scientists of Bila Tserka National Agrarian University distinguish three stages. The first stage (prerevolutionary, until 1917) includes three periods: the first (the emergence of the doctrine) covers the second half of the 18th century. (the founders of the doctrine were A.T. Bolotov, I.M. Komov, V.O. Levshyn, D.M. Poltoratskyi, I.I. Samarin), the second (laying the scientific foundations of agricultural systems) — the first half of the 19th century. (M.G. Pavlov, Yu.A. Linovskyi, S.M. Usov), the third (formation of the theoretical foundations of agricultural systems) — the second half of the 19th century. — the beginning of the 20th century (O.I. Skvortsov, O.V. Sovietov, O.M. Enhelhardt, O.P. Liudohovskyi, I.O. Stebut, O.S. Yermolov). The second (Soviet) stage includes two periods: the first lasted until the middle of the 20th century. (V.R. Villiams, D.M. Prianishnykov, M.M. Tulaikov, etc.), the second — until the 90s of the 20th century. (V.P. Nartsyssov, S.O. Vorobiov, D.I. Burov, O.M. Kashtanov, etc.). The third (modern) stage begins in the 90s of the 20th century. and continues to this day and is characterized by an agro-landscape approach to the development and improvement of farming systems. The opinion of those scientists who considered the farming system out of connection with agricultural management systems, justifying a set of agrotechnical measures only from natural and scientific positions and evaluating the effectiveness of farming systems only by their ability to maintain and increase soil fertility turned out to be wrong.

Author Biographies

I. Prymak, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

N. Prysiazhniuk, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Docent

Yu. Fedoruk, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent

M. Voitovyk, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent

N. Palapa, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

O. Nagorniuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent, Senior Researcher


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